.. _community: ********************* Contributor community ********************* PyBandit is a community-driven open source project developed by a large group of `contributors `_ and a smaller group of `maintainers `_. The PyBandit leadership has made a strong commitment to creating an open, inclusive, and positive community. Please read the PyBandit `Code of Conduct `_ for guidance on how to interact with others in a way that makes the community thrive. We offer several meetings and communication channels to share knowledge and connect with others within the PyBandit community. Community meeting ----------------- The PyBandit Community Meeting is a regular sync meeting for the project's maintainers which is open to the community. Everyone is welcome to attend and contribute to conversations. The meetings take place on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 18:00 UTC. The minutes of past meetings are available in `this Google Document `__. New contributor meeting ----------------------- On the third Wednesday of the month, we hold meetings to welcome and support new contributors in our community. | 👋 you all are invited | 💬 everyone can present (add yourself to the hackMD agenda) | 👀 anyone can sit in and listen Attendees are new and experienced contributors, as well as a few maintainers. We aim to answer questions about getting started, or help with work in progress when possible, as well as get to know each other and share our learnings and experiences. Calendar -------- This calendar shows all the community meetings. Our community meetings are ideal for anyone wanting to contribute to PyBandit, or just curious to know how current development is going. .. raw:: html You can subscribe to this calendar with the following links: * `iCal `__ * `Google calendar `__ Additionally, we'll sometimes have one-off meetings on specific topics. These will be published on the same calendar. `GitHub issue tracker `_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The PyBandit contributor community conducts conversations mainly via this channel. Any community member can open issues to: - Report bugs, e.g. "I noticed the behavior of a certain function is incorrect" - Request features, e.g. "I would like this error message to be more readable" - Request documentation improvements, e.g. "I found this section unclear" - Ask questions, e.g. "I noticed the behavior of a certain function changed between versions. Is this expected?". Ideally, your questions should be related to how PyBandit works rather than how you use PyBandit. `StackOverflow `_ is better suited for answering usage questions, and we ask that all usage questions are first asked on StackOverflow. Thank you for respecting our time and wishes. 🙇 Maintainers and frequent contributors might also open issues to discuss the ongoing development of the project. For example: - Report issues with the CI, GitHub Actions, or the performance of PyBandit - Open issues relating to the internals - Start roadmap discussion aligning on proposals for what to do in future releases or changes to the API. - Open issues relating to the project's website, logo, or governance .. _community.slack: Community slack --------------- We have a chat platform for contributors, maintainers and potential contributors. This is not a space for user questions, rather for questions about contributing to PyBandit. The slack is a private space, specifically meant for people who are hesitant to bring up their questions or ideas on a large public mailing list or GitHub.